Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Better than the iPhone?

Thanks to the guys over at Adrants for the link!

Introducing the next in iDEAS...

As much as I love Apple, I always love a good poke when I see one!


Rhodester said...

You know what's funny? I had forgotten my log-in to the store on iTunes, so I had to click the "retrieve password" link. When I did, it sent me to the page that's set up for idiots like me who forget their log-ins. The name of the page is..


Seriously. That's what they call it.


it's spelled that way and everything.


I managed to get my password, and now my iTunes is up and running. I use it with this wireless broadband connection I have. I obtained said wireless connection from a couple of really cool guys who run a wireless store. In spite of dire circumstances, I'm trying like hell to get the bill paid so that it won't get shut off. Just thought you'd like to know. Not that you have anything to do with it,, or anything,,,

dAve, somewhere in California

Brian said...

Ah, Dave... There you go plugging my services again.

Glad to hear the aircard is working... as for iForgot, I'll check that out later ;-) Brian